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As a training trip for the upcoming John Muir Trail adventure, Cheryl and I decided to take some friends over Taboose Pass to Bench Lake.  Little did we know that this would be one of the most difficult trips of our lives.  Good thing though - the shear difficulty keeps all the weekend wannabes out.

T.H. to Taboose Pass                 8 mi
Taboose Pass to JMT                3 mi
JMT to Bench Lake                 1.5 mi

Trailhead:                            5,400 ft
Taboose Pass:                  11,400 ft
Junction with JMT:           10,800 ft
Bench Lake:                      10,600 ft
Lake Marjorie:                   11,100 ft
View the Photos../../../../Trip_Photo_Albums/Pages/Bench_Lake_via_Taboose_Pass_-_July_2008.html