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Cheryl and I were able to peak into this beautiful, secluded gem of the Sierras while hiking the JMT, but we found no easy way in.  A year later, with her brother, we finally made it to one of the best vacation spots in the Sierras (if you like to literally get away from it all)!

T.H. to Grouse Lake                9.5 mi
Grouse Lk to Horseshoe Lk   9.3 mi
Horseshoe Lk to Marion Lk    6.6 mi
Lake Basin Day 1                    7.1 mi
Lake Basin Day 2                    6.2 mi
“Crescent” Lk to Lk Marjorie 9.2 mi
Lk Marjorie to Up. Paradise 13.8 mi
Up. Paradise to T.H.               9.5 mi

Roads End (Trailhead):      5,000 ft
Grouse Lake:                    10,500 ft
Grouse Lake Pass:           11,100 ft
Goat Crest Saddle:           11,500 ft
Horseshoe Lake:              10,500 ft
Grey Pass:                         10,800 ft
White Pass:                       11,700 ft
Red Pass:                          11,600 ft
Marion Lake:                     10,300 ft
Dumbbell Lakes Pass:     11,700 ft
“Crescent” Lake:              10,800 ft
Cartridge Pass:                 11,700 ft
Bottom of Muro Blanco:    9,500 ft
Join JMT:                          10,100 ft
Lake Marjorie:                  11,100 ft
Pinchot Pass:                   12,100 ft
Woods Creek Crossing:    8,500 ft
Upper Paradise Valley:      6,900 ft
Roads End (Trailhead):      5,000 ft
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