Photography by adam claes

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Escape to the mountains.  This is a way of life that my wife Cheryl and I have enjoyed ever since meeting each other.  Living in Fresno, we have access to some of the most spectacular and remote regions of the Sierra Nevada.  Though we try to cram as many miles as possible into a weekend backpacking trip, it was our 26-day John Muir Trail expedition that allowed us to see areas of the Sierras that are too remote for the weekend warrior.

We both love spending time in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains year round, whether it’s snowshoeing in the winter or backpacking in the summer.  Despite people thinking I’m crazy, I haul my tripod with me on nearly every backpacking trip, striving to capture all of God’s beautiful creation through a lens.  I enjoy hiking to the tops of peaks and passes to photograph beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

I was born and raised in San Jose and attended Santa Teresa High School and completed two years of photography classes taught by Mr. De Vita.  These classes sparked my interest in photography and inspired me to develop my photography skills.

I use a Nikon D70 digital SLR camera for most of my photography, and print all of my photographs at home to be sure the printed images closely match the colors I saw in the wilderness.

The photographs ahead represent my best attempt at capturing God’s beautiful creation through a lens.  Even the best photograph lacks the ability to convey the true character and shear magnificence of what is seen through the human eye.

capturing god’s creation through a lens

Click the link below to view some of my best photographs of God’s beautiful creation.  But for the best experience, put on your pack and explore!

ENTER THE DARKROOMPhotography_Albums/Photography_Albums.html